The Golden Rules of C:SI

Publié le par Eternal Blades

1.) No complaining about lag, broken computer, cheap tactics cheap weapons, other clans, your own clan etc
2.) No interfering with peoples fights
3.) No crying, or getting angry, or trolling other players
4.) Always bow before a fight to show readiness, and after to show respect
5.) Don't expect your opponent to conform to your favorite weapons
6.) Don't get angry about your C:SI score
7.) You will never be the best at C:SI (because that person left a long time ago)
8.) Be polite and try to encourage new players (give them this too)
9.) Practice hard, give respect, and most people will help you.
10.) If you feel upset it's okay to stop and take a break.
11.) Meet people and judge them for yourself, don't take someone elses word on it.

If all else fails remember it's just a game, try to have fun.


RainO Tenk

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